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OIE and the Title IX Office provide individual online and, upon request, in-person group training on the prevention of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.

Training options for the new Title IX regulations going into effect on August 1, 2024 will be posted here once available.

OIE Education & Training

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Gateway Course (Faculty & Staff)

This course prepares learners to cultivate and maintain a workplace culture resistant to discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Employees will be equipped with the information and skills that promote intervention, empathy, and allyship.

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Course Suite (Faculty & Staff)

In addition to equipping faculty and staff with information and skills that promote intervention, empathy, and allyship, this course includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act.

Title IX Education and Training (Faculty, Staff, & Students)

Information about employee and student Title IX prevention education and training is available on the Title IX website.

Other Education & Training

Campus partners provide additional training and education opportunities throughout the year. See the links below for selected trainings and visit Campus Resources webpage for more information about partner offices


The University Office of Wellbeing leads bystander education training efforts for students upon request, facilitated by a full-time Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator who can be contacted at


Office of Wellbeing and the Sexual Health Ambassador Group (student organization within the Office of Wellbeing) provide sexual health education efforts for students. Contact the Office of Wellbeing at


These online courses via AliveTek provide evidence-based, best practices that teaches students how to recognize, prevent, and report hazing. Contact the Office of Student Engagement at

(Faculty, Staff, & Students)

This asynchronous Workday Learning course reviews the Wake Forest University Protection of Minors Policy, important definitions, reporting, and available resources. Contact Human Resources at

(Faculty, Staff, & Students)

R.I.D.E. (Realizing Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity) is the University’s institutional framework for Inclusive Excellence. Courses related to R.I.D.E. are offered in-person and online throughout the year. Contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at

(Primarily Faculty & Staff; open to students)

D.E.A.C. Allies is the central platform for education and skill building offered by the LGBTQ+ Center. In-person and online synchronous workshops are offered. Contact the LGBTQ+ Center at

(Faculty & Staff Supervisors)

This asynchronous Workday Learning course is directed toward supervisors and covers laws and compliance areas, and some benefits and leaves of absences. Contact Human Resources at

(Faculty & Staff)

The IS Technology Accessibility Team provides in-depth training sessions upon request to campus teams or departments of any size. Email to learn more or schedule a class.

(Faculty & Staff, for Staff hiring)

This asynchronous Workday Learning course reviews steps in an inclusive search and selection process for Staff positions. Contact Human Resources at

All hiring managers and search committees must complete required training modules prior to engaging in the Inclusive Search and Selection Process for all University positions.

(Faculty & Staff, for Faculty hiring)

This asynchronous Workday Learning course reviews steps in an inclusive search and selection process for Staff positions. Contact Human Resources at

All hiring managers and search committees must complete required training modules prior to engaging in the Inclusive Search and Selection Process for all University positions.