
Title IX prohibits discrimination by the University based on pregnancy and related conditions, including termination of a pregnancy. Specifically, a student at the University cannot be discriminated against or excluded from their education program or activity, including any class, athletic activity, or extracurricular activity based on because of a pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of a pregnancy, or recovery therefrom. 

Wake Forest is committed to creating an environment that is accessible, welcoming, and inclusive of pregnant and parenting students. Students may request reasonable accommodations as outlined below for pregnancy and parenting.

Lactation Rooms

Parents who return to school or work have access to a private space to breastfeed or express milk. Lactation rooms are currently available in the following spaces: 

  • Alumni Hall, Room 231
  • Benson Center, Room 119A
  • Farrell Hall, Room 292

View spaces on the University map by selecting Wellbeing Spaces and then Lactation Rooms.

Title IX Basic Rights

For Students

  • As a pregnant student, you have equal access to classes and activities.
  • You are entitled to accommodations for both your pregnancy and childbirth, including excused absences, extra time on assignments, and other reasonable accommodations that would be provided to a student with a temporary medical condition.
  • If you take a leave of absence, you must be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status you had before you left. You must also be given an opportunity to make up for missed work.
  • You cannot be required to take time off.
  • You may not be excluded from a special program or activity because you are pregnant.
  • You may not be harassed due to your pregnancy or related conditions.

For Employees

  • As a pregnant employee, the school must treat pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, and recovery therefrom as a justification for a leave of absence without pay for a reasonable period of time if there is insufficient leave time accrued
  • Employees must be reinstated to the employee’s preleave status or to a comparable position without reduction of compensation or loss of promotional opportunities or any other employment rights or privileges. 
  • Pregnancy and any related conditions and or temporary disability resulting must be treated like any other temporary disability


Accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

  • Temporary leave for as long as the student’s physician deems medically necessary (after which the student will be reinstated to the status the student held when the leave began).
  • Extended deadlines.
  • Classroom modifications such as: modification to the physical environment such as accessible seating or elevator access.
  • Excused absences as deemed medically necessary.
  • Rescheduling of missed exams.
  • Use of lactation rooms. 
  • Excused absences for parenting students who need to care for their sick children.

Requesting Accommodations

Requests should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator by emailing titleixcoordinator@wfu.edu.

The Title IX Office will meet with you to discuss your needs and may ask for documentation that supports the request.