Understanding Reporting

Community members impacted by discrimination or harassment have a variety of different reporting options at the University (see information box to the right). If information is disclosed to non-confidential employees, such as mandatory reporters, that information may be shared with University officials to ensure an appropriate response and campus safety. The University also encourages individuals impacted by crime to report that promptly to local law enforcement. 

Mandatory Reporters

Some University employees are considered “mandatory reporters” and have an obligation to report certain allegations brought to their attention. All employees are strongly encouraged to report information they receive about alleged harassment or discrimination regardless of their mandatory reporter status.

Mandatory reporters are listed by title in the Title IX policy and include certain members of the academic staff (deans, assistant deans and department chairs), administrative staff, and some athletic administration. Supervisors and administrators also have separate obligations to report discrimination and harassment pursuant to the OIE policy. Any employee who is unclear about whether they are a mandatory reporter, or who has other questions about reporting requirements, is welcome to contact the Title IX Coordinator or OIE broadly. 

Confidential Resources

The University also provides confidential resources for faculty and staff. Confidential resources will only share information about an individual’s report with the individual’s express consent or if the law requires it. Confidential resources may also be required to report non-identifying statistical information to the University Police Department if the confidential resource is a Campus Security Authority under the Clery Act.

Anonymous Reports

Some University reporting options provide an opportunity for faculty and staff to submit complaints anonymously. Other times, an employee may request that their identity not be identified in responding to a report or ask that the University take limited or no action in response to a report. The University’s ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited or impossible, depending on the information provided and the employee’s willingness to participate in any inquiry related to the report. 

Reporting Options

Instances of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct should be reported using the following report form:

Additional reporting options:

Confidential Resources

Employee Assistance Program

Office of the Chaplain

Safe Office

University Ombuds Office

Non-Confidential Resources

Anonymous Reporting Hotline

Human Resources

Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Title IX Office

University Police
336.758.5911 (emergency)
336.758.5591 (non-emergency)